Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up.
☾ I would introduce myself, but why would I do that. I introduced myself so many times already, just check out
my ABOUT ME page. I'll give you a little info about me, anyway. I am a photographer and blogger. I won't call myself a professional, but I love creativity and I love writing about anything. I came to my senses to take things more seriously and actually go for it. I had a lot of fails and I gave up most times, but I am back and lifting myself up. Here I am again doing this blog/podcast (coming soon) thing. Wish me luck, because me and you are about to go through a wormhole of randomness and just living life. Sad, happy, and wth moments. I don't have any order on what it's gonna be, just deal with it.
☾ Through 2021 I have mate some amazing creative people and I am happy that I had the time to work with them. Let's just say I had mate two amazing females that can pose the HOUSE DOWN. When you say "pose", they give you face. We had a crazy idea and wanted to do a shoot with all three of us. We booked a studio in Brooklyn, NY, that I've founded on TIKTOK which was only $25 for a hour (deal is now over now, though). The theme was mostly light and just being our inner diva. To be honest, we were just winging it. We creative like that!
☾ Let me introduce you to the girls: Akansha and Kristina, go check them out now.
model Akansha 's Info: Click here
model Kristina 's Info: Click here
☾ Before, I post the vlog and the link to the amazing pictures. I want to say THANK YOU! to Sireglobal Studios owned by Gyasi Khamani Williams-Kirtley for having us. I am so happy I found her on TIKTOK, she save my life with this project. There isn't so much studio in New Jersey that is afforded for young artists and people on a college meal budget. First of all, let me start of with how easy it was to book this studio. She has a link on her social media, you click on it, choose your date, pick which room you want (main studio with natural light or studio room with no windows, no light), and pay. When it's the day of your shoot, she keep in touch with you. Keep in mind that it's NY , parking isn't a must close to the building. When you do found parking, text or call her and she would buzz you right up. It's that simple. Once you're in, set yourself up and make some magic. The place is clean and spacious. You will love it and shooting there was a breeze and after you can go eat. There were so many restaurant near the studio by walking. You wouldn't even have to lose a parking spot. Shoot and go eat ,that's the best day ever. Seriously though, check her studio out.
STUDIO INFO: IG: @sireglobalstudios
♥Here's how my day went: ♥
♥The little tiktok we made:
The best part of that day were the final project the look, the pictures and the short fake music video we made for fun. Hours of editing and this is what I did. I am happy about the results.
Additional Information(s):
Follow my IG:
or my photography IG: Upsid3h3art
Photography website: Click here
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