Come here...
Say it, spit it out, what is it exactly? You're payin'? Is the amount cleanin' you out Am I satisfactory?
If you haven't already check out my last post, then you should. I went to a fashion show with this same outfit just different shoes. I started my day very early, because I had a photoshoot . I got my lazy behind up, went to my make up artist, Zoad Kahil. She did an amazing job and I love it. It was different, but I love coming out the box with things. Trying new things isn't bad. Like I saw this makeup trend and I wanted to try it, even though I never wonder if it would look bad on me, but oh well. It came out amazing.
Kam Ballard brought me to an abandon building. Yup, I said it, it was something new for me. It was all part of the look he had in mind. The theme of the photoshoot is alternative, rock star, and different. My main style to be honest, hehe. Finding an outfit for the shoot wasn't hard find. The problem was, which alternative style I wanted to showcase. I never really tried simple alternative rock look before with all my sparks and stuff. I went to the route of alterative emo band look. It came out good, too.
We arrived at this abandon building on a dead end and getting there wasn't hard. It was getting in the building with heels was the issue. I had to climb to get it, but Kam helped along the way. The shoot flowed well and it wasn't no uncomfortable vibes. It was easy to pose and came up with ideas for areas that had nothing just rust. It was fun shooting with Kam Ballard. I can't wait to shoot with him again. Let's see what ideas he could come up with to push my limit as a model out my comfort zone.
Kam Ballard as a photographer is amazing. His work is different and is worth working with him. Even though I am a photographer myself, I don't mind being honest about another person's work. I think more people should do that more. Check him out and give him some love. Best part is here.. that is the pictures of our shoot.
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